Weekly Snapshot - 09/27/2023

Journey Weekly SnapShot - 09/27/2023
Coming This Week:
- September 27, 2023: Joy in Christ: Paul's Letter to the Philippians
 Women's Fall Bible Study - 7:00 - 8:30pm
Join us this semester in the Journey Cafe for study and conversation centered on this well-loved book of the Bible! All you need is your Bible, a pen, a notebook, and a heart ready to be a part of something special!
- October 1, 2023: Sunday Worship Gathering
- We are in-person & offer live-streaming for those who can't be with us - 10:00 - 11:30am
Please join us for our gathering in person each Sunday at 10 am... also available live and after on our App, YouTube, and Facebook.

Our current sermon series is The Real Jesus: the Gospel of Mark - this week we are looking at:
The Family of Jesus—Mark 3:20–35

 - October 1, 2023: Journey Youth Group - 6th - 12th Grades - 4:30 - 6:00pm
Our weekly ministry for student grades 6-12. All are welcome. Games, Jesus and Food! Lead by Joe & Andrea Correll

Coming Next Month:
Our sermon series The Real Jesus will continue - if you have missed any of the past messages please them out in our app and online.

Outreach Events -Please be sure to sign up to serve
Oct 14th - Galena Fall Gathering - 11:00AM - 5:00PM: Journey Front Yard
Oct 28th - OSU International Student Fall Party - 4:00 - 9:00PM: Corrova's House
Oct 31st - Halloween "Car"nival - Trunk or Treat & Costume Contest - 5:30PM - 8:30PM
If you are willing/interested in hosting a Trunk

Sign Up to Volunteer Here - We need you.
These events are intentionally designed to provide opportunities to love our community in accessible ways, conversation, food, and relationship.

We also have posters available if you are willing to help us advertise our "CAR"nival!

October Music Night - Hosted by Craig and Judy Skeel: Oct 20th
This will be a night of Praise, Worship & Prayer - the music will be from the selections we sing here at Journey. Music nights are open to musicians of all skill levels, and non-musicians are also invited. There will be a time between songs for prayer, scripture reading and other expressions of praise.
There is a Pot Luck dinner beforehand at 6:30PM & the music will start at 7:30PM. Please RSVP to Craig or Judy so they can be sure to have enough seats set up. All tableware and serving utensils will be provided. CSkeel@skeelhaven.net

Abiding Yoga - Saturday Mornings 9:00AM
Register Here
Wednesday Morning Zoom Prayer - 7:30AM
Zoom Link for Prayer - Click Here

Jerry Funston