Written in Stone, Fulfilled in Love: Understanding God's Law
"What is the Law of God Stated in the Ten Commandments?"
In this powerful message, we journey from Mount Sinai to the cross, exploring the purpose and transformation of God's law. We begin by examining how culture reshapes the Ten Commandments to fit personal preferences—echoing the golden calf incident in Exodus.
Next, we witness the thunderous revelation at Sinai, where God's law is not a burden but a gift rooted in His deliverance.
Finally, we see how Christ fulfills and transforms the law, moving it from stone to spirit—no longer a source of condemnation, but a guide for grateful living. In Christ, obedience is no longer duty, but delight.
Key Themes:
🔹 The culture's tendency to rewrite God's law
🔹 The law as a revelation of God's holiness and our need
🔹 Christ’s fulfillment of the law and its role in the Christian life
"Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day." (Psalm 119:97)